quarta-feira, agosto 08, 2012

Frase do dia [Eric Ries]

Separei algumas citações que o Eric Ries (Lean Startup) fez junto com o Josh Kerievsky no evento SFAgile conference, que resumem um pouco o que é o mindset da Startup Enxuta.

  • Validated learning is the unit of progress, not some intangible "business value" (Eric)
  • A startup is by definition an experiment, which means that it can occur within an established business (Eric)
  • Speed is critical, but not just in "getting stuff done" but rather in obtaining enough concrete knowledge to pivot successfully (Eric & Josh)
  • Ideas to build, code to measure, data to learn, rinse & repeat (Eric)
  • What's important is how quickly you get through that loop, not how well you do any or all of the steps, [although it's assumed that you are at least 'good' at them!]  (Eric)
  • When experiments reach diminishing returns, it's time to pivot (Eric)
  • "We keep having epiphanies every few days now!" (Josh)
  • "We [Industrial Logic] shifted from 'lets try this idea' to 'what's the experiment we are going to do?' (Josh)
  • Hypothesis to Happiness instead of Concept to Cash (Josh)

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