sábado, janeiro 09, 2010

Clientes: nossa fonte de alegria

Client: I’d like you to produce a poster for us for our marketing campaign for the launch of our new product.

Me: Sure. Could you let me have images of your product, and any copy which you’d like to have on the poster and I’ll get a draft design back to you.

Client: I haven’t got any images and I don’t know what we want to say.

Me: Well, I’d need those in order to start.

Client: You should know what I want! You’re the professional! Why are you asking me to design my own poster? Just come up with something and stop wasting my time, I have far more important things to do being a director.

Essa é uma divertida história que se encontra no site www.clientsfromhell.tumblr.com onde você pode encontrar diversas outras para rir um pouco dos clientes no-sense. Que querem coisas e exigem de suas agencias uma eficiência que muitas vezes só nos resta rir dos dep. Marketing que não definem o que a Comunicacao precisa dizer ou comunicar. Porque afinal, é mais fácil culpar do que fazer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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